Friday, September 6, 2013

Corn Lab

    This experiment was basically about how the scientific method can be used in several different ways. Its used over and over again, but in different ways, and in different orders as well. Its basically a mess, and scientist constantly have trial and error, which relates to the corn lab. It was to show you that you had to do a lot of different things in order to receive the result you wanted.  Around fifth grade is when I was exposed to the scientific method, there I was new to it all, and often confused. But as soon as I was able to understand it a little more as the years passed, I now see that it's not always going to be those steps exactly. This lab taught me that the scientific method is more of an investigation and you can process it in different steps.
       A little more in depth with this experiment, I would like to add that during the time of using the corn lab, you needed to know that on one side was a good growing corn, and the other was infested. You would put the corn to grow (which were both different corn, one was Bt 123, and BT 456) , along with the other variable being some type of bug, ECB (European Corn Bugs) . Either way, while testing it, you realize one crop of corn does not grow healthy. The virtual experiment showed me what anger, and the processes the scientists are open to.
    From the lab I learned that you can't always use the scientific method word for word. This is because scientist don't always follow it and they have to do it several times before things work out exactly how they would like them to.


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