Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

Cystic Fibrosis

Web Quest on Cystic Fibrosis.

Plant Cell Structure

Hennifer and I made a plant cell structure out of rice krispy treats. Our materials were:
Gummy worm eggs
Each one of these had a certain part they played as we made a plant cell out of them.

Diffusion And Osmosis Lab! :)

The purpose of this lab was to understand the importance of diffusion and osmosis in living organisms. During the process solutes and water are moving in and out of our cells. We also used a bag that people use in the diaylsis called dialysis tubing. Cells need to absorb molecules from the regions in which concentration of the molecule.

Materials needed for this lab was:
 A cup, distilled water, iodine, glucose indicator strips, dialysis tubing, string, scissors, and a small funnel.

Lab Questions:

1) Some of the glucose was left in the bag, yet some escaped, as for the iodine, some did enter the bag. Some proof for that would be when we tested the bag and the cup with glucose test strips. The first attempt in testing it resulted with no glucose being present, the next time we tested it glucose was there, meaning glucose diffused out of the bag. Black was also present meaning iodine was in the bag.
2)The quantitive evidence that would show that water diffused into the bag is the different levels of glucose the glucose test strips show, weigh the bag before and after.
3)If only starch and water were tested outside of the bag and iodine and glucose inside then the bag would be clear on the inside and brown on the outside.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Fluid Mosaic Model.

In this activity, we made a poster describing a plasma membrane.. In this poster it showed globular proteins, integral proteins, hydrophobic helixes, oligosaccharides, glyoclipids, phosphdipids, cholesterols, hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails.. We labeled each one of those on our poster, to define them each, globular proteins and integral proteins are both types of proteins found in membranes. A oligosaccharide is a carbohydrate whose molecules are composed of a relatively small number of monosaccharide units. A glyoclipid is a lipid with a carbohydrate attached.  Hydrophobic helixes are structures for proteins. Cholesterol is a crystalline substance which is found in tissues. Hydrophilic heads are polar therefore they are attracted to water and hydrophobic tails  are fatty acids and are not attracted to water.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Carbohydrate Lab!!

The link to my answers to Carbohydrate ID Lab Analysis
And my Lab write up. (:
